Welcome to our server rules! From no hacked clients to zero tolerance for hate speech, our rules ensure a fair and fun environment for all players. Join us in this exciting virtual adventure!
1Use of pirated clients is not allowed. There is a list of approved mods in the guides. Using any other mod without explicit permission from the administrator will result in an immediate permanent ban.
2Any exploitation of a duplication bug or mechanism that grants resources that cannot be obtained legitimately will result in an immediate permanent ban. If you encounter one, report it immediately to an administrator.
3Racism, intolerance, or other forms of hate speech are not tolerated. The use of profanity is allowed as long as it does not offend other players. This includes structures representing racist symbols or skins associated with hate speech. Players will receive a warning and then be banned indefinitely.
4Alternate accounts (alts) are not allowed on the server. The use of alternate accounts will result in a 30-day ban for your main account and an indefinite ban for your alternate account.
5Any type of hack installed on the computer will be punished even if not used.
6Do not spam in the chat or advertise other servers. This results in an immediate indefinite ban.
7Show respect to other users. As a death-ban server, we understand that you may be upset. Betrayals happen and emotions run high. We are a community, and ultimately, everyone is here to have fun, so keep that in mind. Persistent harassment of users will result in a ban depending on severity. In case of help, create a ticket in our Discord.
8Please keep hack accusations in private messages. If you feel someone is cheating, please contact an administrator. Accusation messages will be deleted from Discord or in the game, and continued abuse may result in an indefinite mute. Administrators are always willing to listen, and we prefer to handle these matters between the two parties involved.
9We reserve the right to remove you from the server at any time and for any reason!